Books on Understanding Your Spouse

As we work to make our marriage better we soon realize that we think differently than our spouses.  This difference can lead to a lot of friction in the marriage.  The books For Men Only and For Women Only utilize surveys of large numbers of people (Christian and non-Christian) to reach some pretty important conclusions.  We recommend that you get these books to help your relationship be stronger and happier.

For Men Only: A Straightforward Guide to the Inner Lives of Women

For Women Only: What You Need to Know about the Inner Lives of Men

Psalm 139

Psalm 139 is one of the most beautiful and comforting of the Psalms.  In this Psalm we see the omnipresence and omniscience of God and we see the care and concern he has for us.  He has loved us since before He made us!  This sermon was given by Zane Rhodes at the Twin City church of Christ in College Station, Texas.


Godly Men

What the world needs is more Godly Men.  What determines if a man is godly man or just a mediocre approximation of a man?  What can we learn from the men in the Bible such as Joshua, David, Boaz, and Paul?  This sermon was given by Zane Rhodes at the Twin City church of Christ in College Station, Texas.

Godly Men (mp3)

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This site is intended to be a Bible reference resource. We hope you enjoy it.